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AS经济:C2 Demand and Supply

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在前面的内容中,锦秋小编为大家介绍了关于AS经济:C1 Basic Economic Problems的相关信息,接下来,继续为大家介绍有关于AS经济第二章部分的知识点:Demand and supply,希望对大家能够有所帮助。

今天我们复习AS经济第二章部分的知识点:Demand and supply


Demand and Supply

Function of price

Consumer surplus and Producer surplus


2.1 Demand and supply

Frequently asked topics

Explain factors affecting demand and supply

Discuss how business could increase demand

不止一次看到考生这么回答问题:Increase of taste will increase demand. 在考试中,这是不得分的。当题目要求回答影响demand或者supply的因素时,一定要写出背后的原因。

举例:Due to advertising, if a good becomes more desirable to consumers, consumers are more willing and able to pay the good at a given quantity, this will increase demand and demand curve will shift up.

对于影响demand的因素,price of complements/substitutes是考试的重点。

对于影响supply的因素,除了cost of production以外,大家不要忽略了joint supply.

这个知识点还有一个考点,就是企业如何增加demand? 常见的方式有降价,广告,生产别的产品,出口,同学们要会讨论这些方法的优缺点以及可行性。

Sample essays

11S2 Using economic analysis, explain the possible causes of the increase in the sales of electronic goods, such as mp3 players, in recent years. 

04S Increasing raw material costs cause the price of a good to rise. Explain the effect of this price rise for the good on the markets for its substitute and complementary goods. 

15W1 Discuss the policies that businesses might adopt to maintain sales when incomes are falling and consider which is most likely to be successful. 

2.2 Function of price

Frequently asked topics

Explain equilibrium and disequilibrium

Explain change in equilibrium

Explain function of price (rationing and allocating)

Discuss limitations of price mechanism (Market failure)


种是解释market equilibrium/disequilibrium,同学们需要知道当Demand或者Supply发生变化的时候,新的equilibrium是如何形成的。

第二种是解释function of price。常考的是rationing 和allocating.

第三种是解释price mechanism的优缺点,这里的知识点等同于market economy的优缺点。优点是增加competition,满足消费者的需求。缺点是merit/demerit goods 以及public goods。

Sample essays

14S2 Explain the meaning of the term ‘equilibrium price and quantity’ in the market for a good or service and show how a new equilibrium is established when there is an increase in demand. 

10S1 ‘A free market price operates as a rationing and allocating mechanism.’ Explain how it does this. 

10W1 Discuss the importance of price in the effective operation of a mixed economy. 

2.3 Consumer surplus and Producer surplus

Frequently asked topics

Explain consumer/producer surplus

Explain changes of consumer/producer surplus

Welfare的考题,CAIE的考试官特别喜欢考查PED。对于Consumer surplus,大家一定要知道elastic/inelastic demand对应的Consumer surplus是不同的。同理,在supply发生改变的情况下,consumer surplus的改变同样取决于PED。无论题目里有没有提及PED,在写这类文章的时候PED是必须要考虑的。

Sample essays

10S2 Using a normal demand curve, explain how consumer surplus occurs. 

12W3 Explain, with the aid of a diagram, what changes will alter the amount of consumer surplus available from the consumption of a good. 

09S1 Explain, with the aid of a diagram, how consumer surplus will be affected by the introduction of an indirect tax. 



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