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AS经济:C1 Basic Economic Problems

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-04-22 13:37


关于A-level经济的学习,最难的就是Essay的写作,如何更好地进行复习呢?今天,锦秋小编为大家详细介绍一下A-level经济的AS阶段的相关内容,主要介绍AS经济章 basic economic problems ,希望对大家有所帮助。

AS经济章 basic economic problems ,主要有五个小节



Economic system 


Classification of goods

需要注意的是,从16年开始,CAIE的经济考试涵盖的知识点越来越细,之前只准备1-2个topic就去参加考试的备考方式已经很难达到a的要求。对于一些小的独立知识点诸如division of labour和money(尤其是near money)大家一定不要忽略。

1.1 Scarcity and resources

Frequently asked topics

Define scarcity, explain three basic economic questions

Explain factors of production

Explain functions of enterprise

这一章涉及的知识点都是经济里最基础的部分,同学们必须熟练掌握。四个生产要素的定义,例子和回报是考题的核心,Enterprise的两个functions和怎么应对需求是考试的重点。需要注意的是division of labour的优缺点也是考点的一部分,大家复习的时候不要忘记。

Sample essays

08S Explain the three economic questions that all economies face because of the basic economic problem. 

13W3 Explain the role of the enterprise factor of production in a free market economy, and compare this with the role of the other factors in the production process.

16S1 Outline the functions of the factor enterprise in a modern economy, and explain how enterprise responds to a rise in the demand for a good.

10W1 Discuss whether money or the division of labour is likely to have contributed more to economic progress. 

1.2 PPC

Frequently asked topics

Define PPC, explain shape of ppc

Link between PPC and opportunity cost

Link between PPC and economic growth

PPC在微观里可以用来解释opportunity cost,大家要会解释PPC的形状(concave)。在宏观中,PPC可以用来解释International Trade和经济增长。

需要注意的是画PPC的图微观和宏观的横纵坐标是不一样的。在宏观里分别是consumer goods 和 capital goods。

Sample essays

16W3 Explain with the help of a diagram why production possibility curves are usually drawn with increasing opportunity costs, and show how they can be used to illustrate scarcity. [8]

11W3 Explain, with the help of a diagram, how an economy can in the short run and long run enjoy consumption beyond its current production possibility curve.

1.3 Economic systems

Frequently asked topics

Define three systems (Features)

Explain advantages/disadvantages of three systems

Explain provision of products in three systems

Explain resources allocation in three systems

Discuss transitions from planned economy to market economy



1 市场经济的问题: Merit goods, Demerit goods, Public goods

2 政府在混合经济需要做的事情:Subsidy, Tax, Direct provision

Sample essays

11S2 Explain the role that a government should fulfil in a mixed economy

17S3 Discuss whether resources are more effectively allocated in a planned economy or in a market economy.

09S1 Discuss whether a market economy can solve the problem of scarcity more effectively than a command economy.

12S3 Discuss whether planned economies should always be replaced by free market economies.

12W2 Discuss the ease with which a planned economy may be changed into a market economy.

1.4 Money 

Frequently asked topics

Define Money (cash, deposits and near money)

Explain functions of money

Explain characteristics of money

Assess functions of money under inflation

Assess consequence of increase in money supply 


好在Money的考点比较固定,首先大家要会定义money,near money:在现代社会钱的定义不仅仅是cash,更包括bank deposits。接下来,money的functions, characteristics以及他们之间的关系是常规考点。最后,通货膨胀怎么影响money的四个functions? 无论是data还是essay,出过好几次了,大家要重视!

Sample essays

14S1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘money’ and outline its characteristics in a modern twenty-first century economy.

08W Explain the characteristics required by money if it is to carry out its functions effectively.

14S1 Discuss whether money is able to perform all of its functions in an economy that is experiencing a high rate of inflation.

1.5 Classification of goods and services

Frequently asked topics

Define public/private goods

Explain why producers only produce private goods

Define merit/demerit goods

Discuss solutions to merit/demerit goods (C3 Government intervention)


1. Free goods vs Economic goods

2. Public goods vs Private goods

3. Merit goods vs Demerit goods

4. Normal goods vs Inferior goods

比较意外的是,去年考了一个quasi-public goods,对于考点越来越细的CAIE经济,请不要遗漏书上的任何一个小知识点。。考前翻一遍教科书,非常有必要!

Sample essays

14S1 Explain the difference between private goods and public goods, and why it is possible for a business to make a profit in the supply of private goods but not in the supply of a public good.

09S2 Economists also classify goods in others ways. Discuss the extent to which an economist would classify a packet of cigarettes and a vaccination against influenza as similar types of good.



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