A level考试中有对实验能力的考察。主要考察内容分为三个:(1)操作、测量和观察能力;(2)收集展示数据和观察能力;(3)分析结论并评价能力。我们以一个实例来做说明。
题目:调查凝乳酶的浓度如何影响牛奶的凝结率(investing the effect of the concentration of rennin on the rate at which it causes milk to clot)?
1、设置自变量(independent variable )和因变量(dependent variable);
a. 自变量(independent variable ):凝结酶的浓度(concentration of rennin)
b.浓度梯度(gradient concentration):一般题干中会提供1%的凝结酶标准溶液,所以我们只能用稀释法稀释1%标准酶溶液。可以设置5个浓度梯度,如1%,0.8%,0.6%,0.4%,0.2%。也可以用十倍稀释法,如1%,0.1%,0.01%,0.001%,0.0001%。一般设定5个浓度梯度。
2、设置无关变量(standard variable);如温度,PH, 光照强度, 风速、湿度,生物材料等其它条件完全一样。
8、 描述数据;一般描述曲线的趋势,几个关键的点的数据,如,
The line on the graph is curve with decreasing gradient, not a straight line, so the relationship between concentration of rennin and the rate of reaction is not proportional(linear).The curve is steepest for the lower concentrations of rennin, gradually flattening out for the higher concentrations. This shows that a 0.2% increase in rennin concentration has a greater effect on reaction rate at low rennin concentrations than at high rennin concentrations.
9、解释结果(explain result):
10、得出结论,比如本实验结论是:The rate of milk clotting was decreased with the decreased concentration of rennin.
误差(error)不是指实验中的错误(mistakes)。而是实验仪器本身的系统误差(systematic error),或者由无关变量引起的随机误差(random error)。或者由于人为限制,测量因变量的困难,比如本实验中很难判断牛奶凝结的终点(ending point)等等而产生的误差。
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